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Make a change in your diet, your body often goes through a cleansing known as detoxification. This can manifest itself in fatigue, rashes, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia or constipation depending on the state of your health or your diet. It is your body flushing out toxins and will soon pass.
Barley grass have a detoxifying effect. People with large amounts of toxins in their systems may experience a “cleansing reaction,”such as mild headaches or increased elimination. That’s why it’s best to begin slowly when taking barley grass.
No, Santé Pure Barley is made from barley juice extract and contains no caffeine. Numerous customers have given us testimonies of increased energy. Santé Pure Barley is very nutritious and provides your body with raw materials that can be converted into energy naturally – unlike caffeine which simply gives one a temporary energy lift.
No, Santé Pure Barley is mildly alkaline, which pH balances the acidic stomach juices. This can aid in settling the stomach. What does the chlorophyll do? The chlorophyll in Santé Pure Barley is a natural detoxifier and rids the intestines of stored toxins. Because it is a natural detoxifier, it also aids in reducing bad breath.
It should be kept away from moisture and sunlight, in its own jar with the lid fastened securely.
Do not store Sante Barley canister in the refrigerator where condensation could cause nutrients to oxidize and breakdown.
But, it is best to store the Sante Barley sachets in the refrigerator, since it is sealed in a sachet it won’t cause any oxidation.
No, live nutrients are released when Santé Pure Barley is mixed with the proper liquids and should be taken no more than 20 minutes or so after preparation. When live nutrients are no longer protected by fiber, they will begin to oxidize and “die.”
Santé Pure Barley should be taken immediately after preparation in order to receive the maximum amount of nutritional benefit. Will taking Santé Pure Barley after or with meals hinder its effectiveness?
You can drink Santé Pure Barley anytime, but we suggest you take it alone so that your body can assimilate the full benefits of its properties quickly and easily without other foods being present to slow this process.
Will Santé Pure Barley cause diarrhea or constipation? Santé Pure Barley will help rebuild healthy intestinal flora and therefore may have a positive effect on regularity and gas. Santé Pure Barley has traditionally been used to promote regularity and does not cause constipation.
Does Santé Pure Barley contain digestive enzymes? Yes, Santé Pure Barley contains many enzymes including digestive enzymes such asamylase.
Because of its numerous benefits, people in Ethiopia and southeast Asia have been cultivating barley for more than 10,000 years.
Today, we source out the purest organic barley from Canterbury, New Zealand, a central-eastern region of the country’s South Island. The farms on which our product is grown are all certified organic and have been so for many years. This means our barley grass is grown without chemical pesticides or artificial fertilizers. Additionally, the Canterbury region is considered one of the cleanest and least polluted regions of the globe.
Barley grass is so rich in nutrients and vitamins that consumers have come to rely on it to fill in nutritional gaps in their diets.
Vegans and vegetarians use it to supplement their plant-based diets since every 100 grams of barley contains as much as 12 grams of protein!
ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is a standardized test adopted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to measure the Total Antioxidant Potency of foods and nutritional supplements.
It provides a very precise way of establishing the Free Radical destroying or neutralizing power of a particular food supplement or compound. Whole foods that score high in an antioxidant assay called ORAC are recognized to protect cells and their components from damage by oxygen radicals.
The ORAC standard is necessary because thousands of antioxidants exist in foods making it impossible to measure each individual antioxidant. TOTAL ORAC FN provides an excellent method of determining the overall antioxidant potency of foods.
An antioxidant is any substance that reduces oxidative damage (damage due to oxygen) such as that caused by free radicals.
There are hundreds of different antioxidant compounds that include various vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and phytochemical antioxidants.
Since scientists don’t know every antioxidant in a plant, a test was developed that indicates the total antioxidant potential.
Barley Grass contains numerous substances known to be antioxidants, too many to list here.
Some of the largest contributors would be beta-carotene, chlorophyll, superoxide dismutase (SOD)*,catalase, Lutonarin (7-O-GIO), Saponarin (7-O-GIV), Polyphenol oxidase, vitamin E, Phosphorus, and Zinc.
Note: These are not ingredients added to Santé Barley but they are naturally occurring nutrients found in Santé Barley.
Santé Barley is a State-of-the-Art Technology yielding the best barley juice powder ever.
God made the barley leaf densely nutritious, full of antioxidants.
Something man has no idea how to do – God is awesome! Harvesting at the right stage of growth and optimum weather conditions provides the highest antioxidant and overall nutrition content
It is best taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Pour the contents of one Santé Pure Barley sachet into one glass of cold water, stir well, add more or less water according to desired taste.
It is best to sip it slowly on an empty stomach, either 20 minutes before meal or 2 hours after, so that the nutrients can be assimilated easily without the presence of other foods.
Do not use hot water/liquid becaue it will break down the live enzymes. Thus, you will lose the efficacy of barley grass and a lot of nutrients with it.
Santé Pure Barley is a whole food supplement, very similar to juiced green vegetables and is made from pure barley grass that contains dietary fiber that may help control blood sugar levels.
There are no known adverse effects associated with Santé Pure Barley and blood sugar levels. If you consume green vegetables and complex carbohydrates such as pasta with no adverse effects, then you should be able to take Santé Pure Barley. If you have concerns, we encourage you to consult your health practitioner. There have been numerous reports from hypoglycemics and diabetics who have experienced favorable results shortly after starting to take a Santé Pure Barley Grass Juice supplement.
But, we still recommend consulting with your doctor first should you be taking other medications.
People with kidney disorders,kidney disease, or renal failure may want to consult their health practitioner about consuming potassium-dense foods like Santé Pure Barley.
According to nutritional analysis, there are 214 mg of potassium in one tablespoon (5-gram serving) of Santé Pure Barley.
Some people with kidney disease have to be careful about their potassium consumption because their kidneys may not be able to efficiently process high amounts of potassium, which may compound their problem.
This implication is rare but should be discussed with your health practitioner if the condition exists.
For disease prevention, it is advisable to consume 1 scoop/sachet (3g) per 1 glass of water, twice a day 30 minutes before a meal as barley grass works best on an empty stomach.
NOTE: Sante Barley Juice product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. It’s mainly an Immune System Booster, your body’s main defence, to help your body recover faster. Since every person has different reactions to cleansing & nourishing, results may vary in every person.
Since Barley Juice is not a medicine, here is just a suggested intake for MILD conditions:
MILD Disease Categories:
NOTE: Sante Barley Juice product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. It’s mainly an Immune System Booster, your body’s main defence, to help your body recover faster. Since every person has different reactions to cleansing & nourishing, results may vary in every person.
Since Barley Juice is not a medicine, here is just a suggested intake for MODERATE conditions:
MODERATE Disease Categories:
NOTE: Sante Barley Juice product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. It’s mainly an Immune System Booster, your body’s main defence, to help your body recover faster. Since every person has different reactions to cleansing & nourishing, results may vary in every person.
Since Barley Juice is not a medicine, here is just a suggested intake for SEVERE conditions:
SEVERE Disease Categories:
NOTE: Sante Barley Juice product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. It’s mainly an Immune System Booster, your body’s main defence, to help your body recover faster. Since every person has different reactions to cleansing & nourishing, results may vary in every person.
Yes, SantéPure Barley has only 20 calories per serving and has an abundance of nutrients. If you are in a weight loss program, your body will benefit by taking Santé Pure Barley. It provides vitamins, minerals, amino acids,enzymes, and proteins, minus fat and with practically no calories.
Santé Barley is made from pure barley grass high in dietary fiber that is known to help in gastric emptying, making you feel fuller for longer. Although, the most important factors for losing weight is proper diet and exercising regularly.
Make a change in your diet, your body often goes through a cleansing known as detoxification. This can manifest itself in fatigue, rashes, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia or constipation depending on the state of your health or your diet. It is your body flushing out toxins and will soon pass.
Barley grass have a detoxifying effect. People with large amounts of toxins in their systems may experience a “cleansing reaction,”such as mild headaches or increased elimination. That’s why it’s best to begin slowly when taking barley grass.
No, Santé Pure Barley is made from barley juice extract and contains no caffeine. Numerous customers have given us testimonies of increased energy. Santé Pure Barley is very nutritious and provides your body with raw materials that can be converted into energy naturally – unlike caffeine which simply gives one a temporary energy lift.
No, Santé Pure Barley is mildly alkaline, which pH balances the acidic stomach juices. This can aid in settling the stomach. What does the chlorophyll do? The chlorophyll in Santé Pure Barley is a natural detoxifier and rids the intestines of stored toxins. Because it is a natural detoxifier, it also aids in reducing bad breath.
It should be kept away from moisture and sunlight, in its own jar with the lid fastened securely.
Do not store Sante Barley canister in the refrigerator where condensation could cause nutrients to oxidize and breakdown.
But, it is best to store the Sante Barley sachets in the refrigerator, since it is sealed in a sachet it won’t cause any oxidation.
No, live nutrients are released when Santé Pure Barley is mixed with the proper liquids and should be taken no more than 20 minutes or so after preparation. When live nutrients are no longer protected by fiber, they will begin to oxidize and “die.”
Santé Pure Barley should be taken immediately after preparation in order to receive the maximum amount of nutritional benefit. Will taking Santé Pure Barley after or with meals hinder its effectiveness?
You can drink Santé Pure Barley anytime, but we suggest you take it alone so that your body can assimilate the full benefits of its properties quickly and easily without other foods being present to slow this process.
Will Santé Pure Barley cause diarrhea or constipation? Santé Pure Barley will help rebuild healthy intestinal flora and therefore may have a positive effect on regularity and gas. Santé Pure Barley has traditionally been used to promote regularity and does not cause constipation.
Does Santé Pure Barley contain digestive enzymes? Yes, Santé Pure Barley contains many enzymes including digestive enzymes such asamylase.